Draw on the Map
By passing the prop setPolygon = {{activateControls: true}}
to the Map Render component:
import { MapRender } from "@matchplat/crono";
<MapRender setPolygon={{ activateControls: true }} />;
you will activate the controls needed for drawing a polygon on the map.
All the informations about the shape's coordinates will be sent through the getMapInfo function.
Save Polygon
By passing activateSave
as props to setPolygon
import { MapRender } from "@matchplat/crono";
setPolygon={{ activateSave: true }}
getMapInfo={{ dispatch: setMapInfo }}
The polygon will generate a clickable PopUp
The click event will send information in getMapInfo, so the function is needed to generate the PopUp
{..., savePolygon: true}
Polygon Styles
To see the new colors you must refresh the map
You can style the polygon like this:
import { MapRender } from "@matchplat/crono";
activateControls: true,
activeColor: "main", //CronoColor while drawing
inactiveColor: "secondary", //CronoColor of the polygon when you're done drawing it
By passing the prop setCircle
to the Map Render component:
import { MapRender } from "@matchplat/crono";
<MapRender setCircle={{ center: { lat: -35.28, lng: -8.5 }, radius: 200 }} />;
you will print a Circle
on the map.
This is not editable by the final User with dragging actions.
It's based on basic coordinates
and radius
and can be refreshed by changing one of those values in your state.
Circle Style
You can style the circle like this:
import { MapRender } from "@matchplat/crono";
center: { lng: 33, lat: 33 },
radius: 200,
color: "main", //passing a CronoColor here